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Night time-Dry-overcast - Night time
overcast -
Currently: 33.8, Min: 77, Max: 77
33.8°F  steady


Feels like: 34°F
  High Low
Today: 77.0°F (12:00 am) 77.0°F (12:00 am)
Yesterday: 87.3°F (2:51 pm) 65.2°F (6:49 am)
Month: 89.2°F (Aug 5) 62.2°F (Aug 3)
Year: 97.5°F (Jul 28) 4.1°F (Feb 4)
Last year: -1766.2°F (7:00 pm) 1830.2°F (7:00 pm)
Station record: 99.4°F (2016) 63.1°F (2008)


Rain Today:0.00 in

Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in

Yesterday:0.14 in

This Month:3.99 in

Season Total:14.12 in

5 days with rain this month 


Wind from SSW

Wind from SSW
1.3 mph

1 Bft
Light air

2.0 mph

Gust today:
26.0 mph at 3:14 am


Sun:   sunrise  6:54 am sunset  5:20 pm

Daylight hh:mm 10:25 (+ 2 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  2:55 am moonset  6:45 pm

Waning Crescent,  9% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: steady 52%

Dew Point: steady 18.0°F

Barometer: rising 30.21 inHg

Trend: Rising Slowly

Solar Radiation

121 W/m2 (0%)

High: 0 @  none

UV Index more information

Now: 0.8    Low 

Max: 0.0 @  12:00 am

Air quality for Crab Meadow, Northport, NY - Click on an image to enlarge it - For more information visit Airnow.gov

img   img   img   img
Good Moderate Unhealthy-Sensitive Groups Unhealthy Very Unhealthy Hazardous

Precipitation information


Lightning information


Clouds information

  Precipitation  radar   Lightning  radar   Clouds  radar  

UV Index Forecast 

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded
2.0 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.8
 Low   Low   Low   Low   Medium   Medium 
UV forecast courtesy of and Copyright © KNMI/ESA (www.temis.nl). Used with permission.   - script v3: by Wim van der Kuil - Leuven-Template.eu

load from WU failed, we try with twice as old cached data

no data loaded

program halted

Zambretti forecast

Fairly fine, improving

Our weatherstation Davis VP2+ forecasts

Mostly cloudy with little temp change, precipitation likely

The weather in interesting cities nearby

32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F   32°F  
Farmingdale, NY more information  Islip, NY more information  Bridgeport, CT more information  White Plains, NY more information  Shirley, NY more information  NYC/JFK Arpt, NY more information  NYC/La Guardia, NY more information  Danbury, CT more information  New Haven/Tweed, CT more information  NYC/Central Park, NY more information  Westhampton Beach, NY more information 
Extremes: The highest temperature ever recorded in the United States was 134 degrees F at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley, California.