WXM80 ListenWXM80 Stop

You find our weather info also at:

UK Metoffice


Weather Underground

Northeastern Weather Network


Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)

HAMweather, WeatherForYou, PWS Weather

WU forecast: Invalid / no data returned for part / all of the forecast data - forecast incomplete

    [request] => Array
            [type] => 
            [city] => 
            [updated] => 
            [time] => 
            [logo] => 
            [link] => 
            [m] => Array
                    [uomTemp] => c
                    [uomDistance] => km
                    [uomBaro] => mb
                    [uomWind] => kmh
                    [uomRain] => mm
                    [uomSnow] => cm

            [e] => Array
                    [uomTemp] => f
                    [uomDistance] => mi
                    [uomBaro] => in
                    [uomWind] => mph
                    [uomRain] => in
                    [uomSnow] => in


    [ccn] => Array
            [url] => 
            [humidity] => 
            [description] => 
            [windDir] => 
            [windDeg] => 
            [date] => 
            [timestamp] => 
            [baroTrend] => 
            [UV] => 
            [icon] => nt_
            [dayNight] => nighttime
            [iconUrl] => ./wuforecast/img/wu_icons/nt_.gif
            [m] => Array
                    [temp] => 
                    [dewp] => 
                    [windChill] => 
                    [heatIndex] => 
                    [feelslike] => 
                    [baro] => 
                    [wind] => 
                    [gust] => 
                    [visib] => 
                    [rain] => 
                    [rainHour] => 

            [e] => Array
                    [temp] => 
                    [dewp] => 
                    [windChill] => 
                    [heatIndex] => 
                    [feelslike] => 
                    [baro] => 
                    [wind] => 
                    [gust] => 
                    [visib] => 
                    [rain] => 
                    [rainHour] => 


Weather Terms: Heat Index - The apparent temperature that describes the combined effect of high temperatures and high levels of humidity, which reduces the body's ability to cool itself.