Night time Dry overcast - |
Cold Feels like: 32°F |
High | Low | |
Today: | 77.0°F (12:00 am) | 77.0°F (12:00 am) |
Yesterday: | 87.3°F (2:51 pm) | 65.2°F (6:49 am) |
Month: | 89.2°F (Aug 5) | 62.2°F (Aug 3) |
Year: | 97.5°F (Jul 28) | 4.1°F (Feb 4) |
Last year: | -1766.2°F (7:00 pm) | 1830.2°F (7:00 pm) |
Station record: | 99.4°F (2016) | 63.1°F (2008) |
Rain Today:0.11 in
Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in
Yesterday:0.14 in
This Month:3.99 in
Season Total:14.12 in
5 days with rain this month
Wind from SSW
1.5 mph
1 Bft
Light air
0.0 mph
Gust today:
26.0 mph
at 3:14 am
Sun: 7:16 am 4:47 pm
Daylight hh:mm 9:31 (+ 1 minute)
Moon: 2:55 am 6:45 pm
Waning Crescent, 9% Illuminated
Humidity: 73%
Dew Point: 24.6°F
Barometer: 30.03 inHg
Trend: Rising Slowly
0 W/m2 (0%)
High: 0 @ none
Good | Moderate | Unhealthy-Sensitive Groups | Unhealthy | Very Unhealthy | Hazardous |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1.5 | 1.5 | 1.3 | 1.3 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
Low | Low | Low | Low | Low | Low |
UV forecast courtesy of and Copyright © KNMI/ESA ( Used with permission. - script v3: by Wim van der Kuil - |