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Information from NOAA Storm Prediction Center at this website

More SPC info on this site: 

SPC Day 1 Outlook

Updates are issued at 0600 UTC, 1300 UTC, 1630 UTC, 2000 UTC, 0100 UTC - Current UTC time: Jan 13 2025 4:30 am

Convective Tornado Hail Wind <= Move cursor over selections to display the selected graphic below.

Day 2

Categorical Day 1 Outlook

Day 3

Day 4

Largly based on original scripts from Ken True: saratoga-weather.org and Rick Curly: ricksturf.com

Astronomy: Neptune was discovered in 1846 (over 150 years ago). Since that time it has still yet to make a complete orbit around the sun, because one Neptune year lasts 165 Earth years!