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Weather Underground History page Text

Summary for July 15, 2018 - April 30, 2024 Units:  Both    English   Metric
- TO -
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Custom



Historical Graphs
Custom Date Range Tabular Data
Crab Meadow Weather
Compliments of Weather Underground - 1.5 mb

Script developed by  Jim McMurry - jmcmurry@mwt.net Adapted for the template by  Wim van der Kuil - Leuven-Template.eu

Weather Terms: Outlook - A hazardous weather outlook is issued daily to indicate that a hazardous weather or hydrologic event may occur in the next several days. The outlook will include information about potential severe thunderstorms , heavy rain or flooding, winter weather, extremes of heat or cold, etc., that may develop over the next 7 days with an emphasis on the first 24 hours of the forecast. It is intended to provide information to those who need considerable lead time to prepare for the event.